5 Digital Marketing Trends to Stay Ahead of the Competition

Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing Trends are constantly changing and it’s important to keep up with the latest trends in order to stay ahead of your competition. From virtual and augmented reality to voice search and artificial intelligence, there are many new technologies that marketers can leverage in their digital marketing strategy.

With social commerce booming, brands are eliminating the step that typically takes place between a consumer and their purchase, by converting followers on social media into customers directly on the brand’s website. This allows marketers to control the customer journey and creates a more seamless shopping experience for consumers. For example, PacSun and American Eagle have both successfully implemented shoppable features on their Instagram pages while Klarna has partnered with Roku to allow viewers of their ads to easily buy products without leaving the video.

Aside from removing the “click to buy” step, social commerce offers a number of other benefits that marketers can take advantage of. These include the ability to provide personalized recommendations, increased engagement, and more opportunities for social proof. Additionally, it can be used to drive direct sales and help increase average order values.

Chatbots are a great way to improve the customer experience by providing real-time personalized responses to questions and concerns. By using natural language processing and machine learning, bots can understand context and offer personalized content at scale. Additionally, by leveraging artificial intelligence, businesses can collect and analyze large amounts of data to make informed decisions about their target audience and improve their marketing efforts.

With the rise of social platforms such as TikTok and Snapchat, younger audiences are focusing on creators and influencers for their entertainment and information needs. In fact, video analytics firm Tubular Labs reports that creator and influencer videos receive 10 trillion views per month and are watched 13.2 times more than traditional media and brand content. Taking this into account, it’s no wonder that marketers are embracing this trend and partnering with creatives that appeal to Gen Z’s interests.

Whether it’s through edutainment, educational explainers, or fun facts, short-form video is booming for brands and audiences alike. This trend has created the perfect opportunity for fintech brands to develop fun, save-worthy content. Take Chime’s TikTok account, for example, which has found success by creating content that strikes the right balance between relatable financial woes and helpful tips to manage finances.

With voice searches booming and the popularity of smart speakers increasing, more users are finding it easier than ever to navigate the web using only their voices. As such, it’s becoming increasingly important for digital marketers to optimize their websites and content so that they can be easily searched through voice-enabled devices like Siri and Alexa. This is called voice search engine optimization (VSEO).