How to Use WeChat Marketing to Grow Your Business in China

WeChat is one of the most powerful mobile platforms in China, with a user base of more than 800 million. The platform offers a unique combination of social media, e-commerce and payments functionality and is a key element in any successful marketing strategy in the country. However, with new social apps and other technological advances on the rise in the country, WeChat marketing requires a strong understanding of the latest features and a robust plan to make it work for your business.

Creating top-class content on WeChat is essential to gaining an audience. WeChat users appreciate content that is entertaining, informative and useful, and are receptive to user-generated content. For example, Dior’s “Dior Love Chain” campaign encouraged users to create their own content inspired by the brand and share it with friends using the #DiorLoveChain hashtag. This type of content engages users and can even lead to conversions.

To ensure that your content is engaging, consider incorporating a video post or creating an infographic to get people talking. Additionally, make sure your posts are relevant and up to date. You should also pay attention to the layout of your content, as Chinese audiences prefer well-curated and visually appealing posts.

Another great way to grow your following on WeChat is by purchasing a WeChat official account. Having an official account gives your company greater credibility, allows you to redirect your WeChat followers to a website or e-commerce page and allows you to run real advertising campaigns. It is worth noting that there are a number of fake WeChat accounts out there so it’s important to choose a reputable company that has experience in setting up official accounts.

Mini-programs are a feature on WeChat that allows businesses to build micro-apps for a variety of functions, including e-commerce, games, and carrying out tasks such as ordering food or booking hotels. These apps are a great alternative to building standalone mobile apps and can help improve engagement, conversion rates and customer service.

Another way to gain a following on WeChat is by running a sponsored post. These ads can be placed under other popular accounts on the platform and offer a great way to increase visibility for your product or brand. However, it is essential to understand that the effectiveness of this type of ad can vary greatly.

Lastly, you can also promote your WeChat account through offline events. This is an effective method for many foreign brands in the country and can be used to achieve multiple goals at once, such as gaining followers on WeChat while driving traffic to other conversion points such as your website or offline store.

Overall, WeChat marketing is an effective tool for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge in the Chinese market. By leveraging the right strategies and by staying up-to-date on the latest WeChat features, you can ensure that your business is succeeding in the world’s most populous country. If you’re looking for support implementing your WeChat marketing strategy, contact a professional online/offline marketing agency in China.