Instagram Marketing Tips – 3 Creative Growth Hacks for Viral Content Strategy

Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing Tips – 3 Creative Growth Hacks for Viral Content Strategy

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Instagram Marketing, it is a form of social media advertisement where you use your Facebook account to display images and content of your choice while engaging with your audience. As you probably know, Facebook now owns Instagram and many of the most popular users on Instagram use Facebook to access their photos. In fact, almost all users that have an Instagram account have also created a Facebook account for quicker updates. So, what can you do to capitalize on this powerful medium?

Like other social networks, Instagram also offers analytics to help businesses determine where their ads are working and what strategies are working to drive traffic to their websites. Since Instagram has an engaged user base that engages with images, stories and other social media, it is important that you understand how to capture the interest of these Instagram users so that your ads are able to reach them and entice them to click through to your website or make a purchase. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Instagram Marketing, it is simple: you can simply use Facebook’s applications to create custom pages that feature images and stories that are related to your brand, products and services. You can also set up groups to interact with customers one-on-one, which can greatly increase your engagement metrics.

When it comes to implementing Instagram Marketing, there are a few different things you can try to boost engagement. One strategy is to provide creative ways to communicate with your audience. If you’re a skateboard company, for instance, you might want to post images of your products or contests that you are running so that the community can engage with them in a fun way. A great way to do this is to give them a chance to win a prize or get exposure by sharing the image on other social media networks. Be sure to track how many times each strategy is generating interest, though, as any one strategy may not work for every Instagram user.

Another idea for using Instagram as an influencer marketing strategy is to turn every instagram story into a blog post, or to write short reports about the images that you have posted. You can combine the blog post with images so that you are not only providing content for your Instagram audience, but you are also tracking which stories are generating the most conversation. It’s a good idea to also make the posts easy to read and informative so that users don’t get confused when trying to understand the content you are providing. You can easily do this by converting your instagram stories into a quick pdf or Word document. There are several software programs that you can use to convert your instagram stories into easily read documents.

A third idea for implementing an instagram stories content strategy is to have an image where you can place a short blurb about the product or service that you are promoting. This is a great way to share information about your product without necessarily having to promote it in your instagram stories. You can easily search on instagram stories for “instagram story” and find several other products to promote. As an influencer, you will want to try and share as much content as you can with these products. You can even throw in some affiliate links that will be beneficial to both of you.

The final idea for using these creative growth hacks for instagram stories is to encourage users to share the images that you create on instagram with their followers. Be sure that you use tags that are relevant to your business and include engagement in the tags. This will greatly enhance your engagement rate and give you a chance to see what sorts of things people are searching for.